by Contemporary Media Group, LLC | Oct 3, 2024 | Physical therapist in Englewood NJ, Expert physical therapist in Hackensack, Expert physical therapy in Hackensack NJ, in-home physical therapy, Physical therapist in Newark, Physical therapist in Rochelle Park, Physical Therapy
As people age, it’s common to experience a decline in physical function, which can make everyday tasks challenging and impact overall quality of life. This decline can lead to reduced mobility, increased risk of falls, and decreased independence. In-home physical...
by Contemporary Media Group, LLC | Jan 6, 2022 | Physical therapist in Englewood NJ, Physical therapist in Newark, Physical Therapy, Physical therapy in Bergen County NJ
If you’ve suffered an injury, illness, or live with a progressive condition, your doctor may have prescribed physical therapy. In New Jersey, you have plenty of options for where to visit your physical therapist, including at a hospital, at a special physical therapy...
by Contemporary Media Group, LLC | Dec 15, 2021 | Physical therapist in Englewood NJ, Physical therapist in Newark, Physical Therapy, Physical therapy in Bergen County NJ
With the winter weather setting in, smart people in recovery from illness or physical injury are seeking the help of skilled physical therapists in NJ to help manage pain. Did you know this was a part of the services that a physical therapist provides? Winter weather...
by Contemporary Media Group, LLC | Oct 8, 2021 | Expert physical therapy in Hackensack NJ, For Families, For Patients, Home Rehab News, Physical therapist in Cresskill NJ, Physical therapist in Newark, Physical therapist in Rochelle Park, Physical Therapy, Physical therapy in Bergen County, Physical therapy in Bergen County NJ
Lots of people know how physical therapy services in New Jersey can help you move better, but did you know that physical therapy can help for constipation, digestive issues, and other stomach issues? If you suffer from IBS, chronic constipation, or a variety of other...
by Contemporary Media Group, LLC | Sep 15, 2021 | Expert physical therapy in Hackensack NJ, For Families, For Patients, Home Rehab News, Occupational therapist in Bloomfield NJ, Occupational therapists in Parsippany NJ, Occupational Therapy, Physical therapist in Cresskill NJ, Physical therapist in Newark, Physical Therapy, Physical therapy in Bergen County, Physical therapy in Bergen County NJ
If you have suffered a change in mobility, your medical treatment team may refer you to see a physical therapist or occupational therapist in Englewood, NJ. In fact, many medical teams refer you to see BOTH a physical therapist AND an occupational therapist in NJ! Why...
by Contemporary Media Group, LLC | Aug 8, 2021 | Best occupational therapists in NJ, Expert physical therapist in Hackensack, Expert physical therapy in Hackensack NJ, For Families, For Patients, Home Rehab News, Occupational therapist in Bloomfield NJ, Occupational therapists in Parsippany NJ, Occupational Therapy, Physical therapist in Englewood NJ, Physical therapist in Newark, Physical Therapy, Physical therapy in Bergen County, Physical therapy in Bergen County NJ
As the COVID-19 pandemic starts to recede, and vaccinations roll out, many people who were infected with the COVID-19 virus find that they are not recovering as expected. Even our nation’s president has recognized “long COVID” as a potentially disabling condition, one...