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Do you or your loved one plan to age in place? Occupational therapists in Englewood NJ can help. Studies show that 80-90% of community elders strongly desire to live out their golden years at home, but sometimes, home just isn’t set up for aging in place. Fortunately, occupational therapy services can help. From learning new skills to changing your home’s design, working with a skilled occupational therapist in Englewood is a must for aging in place.

What Does Occupational Therapy Do?
Unlike physical therapy, which usually works to restore your functioning to the way it used to be, occupational therapy works to help you function like you used to—usually, in different ways. For example, while a physical therapist may work to build the strength needed to climb stairs, an occupational therapist is more likely to help you learn how to move safely from your wheelchair to a newly-installed stairlift.

Tools and Adaptive Technology
Occupational therapists in Englewood NJ know just how fortunate we are to be living in an age of technology! When you work with an OT professional, you may find out about new tools and technologies that can help you to age in place. Fall alert wearables, emergency buttons in the shower, and communication pads are just a few examples of the tools that an OT professional might help you adapt to.

Home Modifications
You’ve always dreamed of a remodel for your home, but by your senior years, you may be more inclined to think about your mobility needs than anything else. Having an occupational therapist in Englewood NJ consult on your home remodels seems like mixing oil and water, but these experts can help you determine the best modifications for your home. For example, assistive railings, wider doorways, and walk up ramps are common—have you considered adding additional windows or floor lighting to accommodate for declining vision? Will you need special machinery to manage health conditions—and does your household electric wiring meet these needs? Occupational therapists think about different things than laypeople, which is why they can be such a valuable part of your home!

Emotional Support and Confidence
Many seniors lose their confidence to live alone or age in place after a spouse dies, or after they experience a change in mobility. Family members, who love them dearly, often complicate the issue by pointing out realistic safety concerns and worrying themselves! This is where you can see great results with an occupational therapist. In Englewood, NJ, your OT professional can come right to your home and interact with the resident and the support group, helping to provide assistance and assurance.

Are you ready to plan for aging in place? Make the most of your senior years when you hire occupational therapy services. In Englewood NJ, Home Rehab Consultants help people age in place, with dignity, preserving independence for as long as possible. Call today to get started!