Each year, over 800,000 people in the US have a stroke. For the 80% who survive, there is often a need for physical therapy. In Bergen County, you have many options for stroke recovery, including medical services and future stroke prevention, but physical therapy is often a vital part of regaining your normal functioning. How does physical therapy help after a stroke? Read on to find out the top three things that physical therapy can help with!
1. Walking. The biggest challenge most people face after surviving a stroke is problems with walking, balance, and coordination. When you hire a physical therapist in Bergen County, these will likely be the first targets of treatment, helping you to strengthen your skills, build strength, and regain your ability to walk. If walking is out of the question, skilled physical therapists can still help you to make the most of your abilities by helping you learn how to navigate with assistive devices or a wheelchair.
2. Doing “the dailies.” From toileting independently, to styling your hair, to brushing your teeth and preparing breakfast, physical therapy can help you to be more independent with your daily activities. Some work may revolve around physical elements, such as how to hold tools with reduced grip strength, or using one’s non-dominant hand if the dominant hand is affected by weakness or paralysis. Being able to complete these tasks independently helps you feel more confident and keeps loved ones out of nursing homes.
3. Sensation challenges. Whether you feel pain for no reason, nothing when someone is touching your arm, or anything in between, a physical therapist can help you to appropriately “sense” again. Likewise, many physical therapy interventions have been shown to be effective in the management of pain, which is an important part of reducing the reliance on painkillers.
If you are struggling with any of these challenges, or other challenges after having a stroke, work to regain your physical health functioning and independence when contact your home rehab team in Bergen County for physical therapy. Each course of treatment is different, but we guarantee each client that we will work toward your best and most independent life! During the COVID-19 pandemic, in-home rehabilitation reduces your risk of contact and helps to keep you safer, so find a home-based physical therapist to work with you today!