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Have you ever wished for an anti-gravity suit so you didn’t fall? Frequent fallers related to this statement, but many don’t realize that physical therapy services in New Jersey might be a better choice! Keep reading to see how physical therapy prevents falls.

Old Injuries Cause Falls

One of the reasons that many people fall is due to older injuries. That knee injury from high school football catches up to you in your retirement years, and you just keep losing your balance! For those with major injuries, or who have suffered with strokes, your walking capabilities may be greatly affected. Working with a physical therapist in New Jersey can help you to learn tools to move differently and more safely, and can strengthen your “good” muscles and body parts to keep you steadier on your feet.

Neurological Conditions Bring You Down

For those with neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis, falls are an everyday risk, and seem to occur for “no reason.” You didn’t slip or trip on anything, you didn’t injure yourself and then fall, you just went down! A physical therapist in Englewood NJ can help to ensure this does not happen as often by working with you on balance strategies, tools to catch yourself, and self-awareness for bad days or “flares” when you would be more likely to fall. If you have been prescribed an assisting device like a walker or cane, your physical therapist can help you learn to use these effectively.

Chronic Instability Sweeps You Off Your Feet

If you have been diagnosed with chronic ankle instability, chronic foot instability, or other lower leg issues, you probably have a multifaceted history of injury, fall, recovery, and maybe even surgery. You may have complicating conditions like plantar fasciitis, flat feet, or bunions. In addition to working with your primary care and podiatry team, a physical therapist can help you learn stretches and exercises to mitigate these problems, balance techniques to keep you on your feet, or safer falling techniques that prevent injury when a fall does happen.
Ready to stop falling? Call Home Rehab Consultants in Englewood New Jersey today to find an in-home physical therapist near you!